
The purpose of this information is to increase awareness of 十大彩票网赌平台’s policies and procedures 用于修饰或说明使用服务性动物.

Beginning 2011 only dogs and miniature horses are recognized as service animals under 第二章和第三章 《十大彩票网赌平台》. 服务犬可能会被更普遍地使用.

While legal access rights are afforded to users of service dogs, with those rights comes the responsibility of ensuring that the animal behaves and responds appropriately at all times in public and that the handler, as a team, must adhere to the same socially 与大学社区的任何个人一样接受标准.

Under federal law and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), 十大彩票网赌平台 permits service dogs and service dogs in training to access campus buildings and public spaces (including 许多教室). Certain classrooms and educational/training environments (clinical, laboratories, internship settings, cadaver lab, gun range, welding labs, food service 区域,汽车商店等. 或者任何有合理安全考虑的地方 the animal, the handler, or others) will require the handler to seek advanced permission 看看是否有合适的安排. 联系学生办公室主任 通过电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 或者通过呼叫 734-973-3328.


服务犬是工作动物,不是宠物. 这意味着一个人拥有 a service dog must have a disability as defined by the ADA, and the accompanying animal must be trained to do specific tasks for the qualified person directly related to 处理者的残疾. 这条狗必须经过合格机构的训练.

这只狗一定很健康 and licensed in accordance with county regulations 并佩戴适当的疫苗接种标签.

机构可以要求拍摄记录. 然而,人们不能问动物是否存在 licensed for service or ask about the nature or extent (or require documentation) 个人的残疾.

Service dogs must be on a leash or harness and the owner must be in full control of 动物在任何时候. 如果处理者不能使用皮带,因为他们的 disability or it would interfere with the safe and effective performance of work, 狗必须在训犬员的控制之下.g. 语音控制,信号或其他 有效的手段. 这只动物一定是经过驯养的.


Reasonable modifications to permit miniature horses individually trained to do work 或者执行需要的任务. 合理修改的评估因素包括

  • Type, size, weight of the horse and whether the facility can accommodate those features
  • 训导员对马有足够的控制力
  • 马必须驯养
  • Whether the horse’s presence in a specific facility compromises legitimate safety 需求.


  • 是否因为残疾而需要动物?
  • 这只动物被训练去做什么工作?



  • Must not be allowed to sniff people, tables in eating areas, or personal belongings 别人的.
  • Must not initiate contact with someone without the handler’s direct permission.
  • Must not display any behaviors or noises that are disruptive to others, such as barking, 哀嚎或咆哮.
  • 不得阻塞过道或通道.
  • Must be trained not to be attracted to food that may be in common areas.

Public Etiquette by Students/Staff/Faculty/Administration on Campus


  • 在服务犬工作时抚摸它. 服务犬被训练来保护 their handler, and petting distracts them from their responsibilities.
  • 喂工作中的服务犬.
  • 故意惊吓、戏弄或嘲弄服务犬.
  • Separate or attempt to separate a handler from his/her service dog.
  • Hesitate to ask a student if he/she would like assistance if the student and service dog seem confused about a direction to turn, an accessible entrance, the location 电梯等的.


  • 这只狗一定很健康.
  • The dog must be licensed in accordance with county regulations and wear appropriate 免疫标记(s).
  • Handlers should always carry equipment and bags sufficient to clean up the dog's waste 并妥善处理废物. 身体上无法清理的人 the dog may be required to make arrangements for another to provide that service.
  • Service dogs must be on a leash or harness and the owner must be in full control of 动物在任何时候. 如果处理者不能使用皮带,因为他们的 disability or it would interfere with the safe and effective performance of work, 狗必须在训犬员的控制之下.g. 语音控制,信号或其他 有效的手段.
  • Reasonable behavior is expected from service dogs while in and around the College 或参加大学活动. If a service dog, for example, exhibits unacceptable behavior, the owner is expected to employ the proper training techniques to correct the situation.
  • Owners of disruptive and aggressive service dogs may be asked to remove them from 学院设施. 如果不当行为反复发生,业主可以 be told not to bring the service dog into any facility until they take significant steps to mitigate the behavior, such as muzzling a barking or aggressive dog, or refresher 训练狗和它的主人.
  • Consideration 别人的 must be taken into account when providing maintenance and 服务犬的卫生. 例如,每天梳洗和偶尔洗澡应该 keep dog odor to a minimum and adequate preventive measures should be taken for flea 还有蜱虫控制.


Human allergic reactions are common to many animals including dogs. 个人 are asthmatic, allergic, or have other documentable medical concerns should direct 投诉:
电话: 734-973-3328
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

The individual must show medical documentation to support that complaint. 行动将 be taken to consider the needs of both persons and to resolve the problem as efficiently 越快越好.


Comfort, Emotional Support or Therapy Animal/Dog: An animal used to ease the anxiousness 其所有者的. A comfort animal/dog is not considered to be a service dog and is not 允许在十大彩票网赌平台建筑内使用.

Guide Dog: A carefully trained dog that serves as a travel tool by persons with severe 视力受损或失明的人.

Hearing Dog: A dog who has been trained to alert a person with significant hearing 失聪或失聪的人当一声,e.g.,敲敲门,发生.


Public Area: A space that is open and accessible to all, regardless of gender, race, 种族、年龄或社会经济水平(1).e.,学生公共场所,办公室,图书馆和 走廊).

Seizure Response Dog: A dog trained to assist a person with a seizure disorder; how 狗为人服务取决于人的需要. 狗可以站岗看守 人在癫痫发作时,或狗可能会去寻求帮助. 有几只狗已经学会了 预测癫痫发作并提前警告患者.

Service Dog in Training: A dog being trained has the same rights as a fully trained 有训导员陪同并被确认的动物.

Work Tasks: Includes a non-exhaustive list of work and tasks such as retrieving items. It also covers individuals with psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disabilities, e.g. helping prevent or interrupt impulsive behaviors for individuals, assisting during a seizure, assisting with balance/stability, or providing non-violent protection or 救援工作.

引用: U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section
